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黃牧甫生平及篆刻藝術之研究. ; Study of Huang Mufu's life and seal engraving art ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; Huang Mufu sheng ping ji zhuan ke yi shu zhi yan jiu.

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Contributors:
      劉浩敏.; Chinese University of Hong Kong Graduate School. Division of Fine Arts.; Liu, Haomin.
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      The Chinese University of Hong Kong: CUHK Digital Repository / 香港中文大學數碼典藏
    • الموضوع:
    • الموضوع:
      1849-1908; 1368-1912
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      本論文以「黃牧甫生平及篆刻藝術之研究」為題目,旨在對其生平及篆刻藝術作系統整理和討論。黃牧甫(1849-1908/1909),安徽黟縣人,為晚清最重要的篆刻家之一。由於家庭濡染,自幼便對篆學產生興趣,八、九歲始習刻印。後因太平軍與清軍戰,家園被毀,困苦失學,雙親亦相繼離世,為補生計,被迫離鄉到江西南昌謀生,曾於照相館工作,後遷廣州,改以鬻書治印自給。黃牧甫為晚清集大成的印人,尤對廣東印壇產生源遠的影響,故被譽為「嶺南派」之初袓。 ; 黃牧甫初宗「鄧派」鄧石如(1743-1805)、吳讓之(1799-1870),後服膺於趙之謙(1829-1884)的印學主張,取徑「印外求印」,故面貌多樣,印文體勢獨特。又取法漢印模式,講究完整光潔,運以衝刀,不作斷續刻劃,點劃乾淨俐落。尤精於章法,平正而不落呆板,自創一格,繼「鄧派」後於晚清印壇上別樹一幟。 ; 在黃印的整理方面,本研究主要以「摹擬期」、「蛻變期」、「成熟期」作為分期,以便探討其不同時期的篆刻特質。據本研究所搜集,黃氏存世印蛻約有二千四百方。它們被整合分析,編成年譜,建構一個系統、完備的資料庫。其中印款資料更提供了珍貴的第一手資料,增補了歷史文獻上的不足。 ; 黃牧甫一生治印不斷,作品極豐,然卻失散各地,難以匯集。幸而,其印譜的流傳卻相對豐富,最重要的要數黃氏生前自輯《般若波羅蜜心經印譜》、《黃牧甫自存印譜》及《黃穆甫印存續補》,故印貌得以保存,為後世留下重要的研究資料。當中《黃穆甫印存續補》所錄印拓,更對研究黃氏「成熟期」印風非常重要。由於此譜為海外孤本,且尚未見世,所以目前有關黃牧甫的著述,均未能涵蓋這部重要資料。然在此論文發表前,因得機緣而認識收藏家林章松先生,得其不吝嗇借出此譜作研究之用,確為本研究提供有力依據和借鑒。 ; 黃牧甫為晚清重要的篆刻家,具相當高的研究價值,更是探究流派篆刻由傳統走向當代的關鍵人物,惜至今其系統研究卻極之匱乏。本論文將綜合歷史、文化、社會及藝術等不同角度,並借鑒相關學術領域的研究方法和成果,透過文獻及視覺分析,對黃牧甫的生平和篆刻藝術作全面考述,從而建立一份可靠的研究資料,令篆刻藝術史有更大的發展空間。 ; Entitled “A Study of Huang Mufu’s Life and Seal Engraving Art, this paper aims to investigate his life and art of seal engraving. Huang Mufu (1849-1908/1909), born in Anhui Province, was one of the most important seal engravers in the late Qing dynasty. ; Huang Mufu first learned from Deng Shiru (1743-1805) and Wu Rangzhi (1799-1870) of the Deng school, and later followed the thinking of “seeking artistic links for seal making of Zhao Zhiqian (1829-1884). Therefore, his seals took on various forms and his seal inscriptions were unique. He also drew on the pattern of seals of the Han dynasty, which pursued tidiness and smoothness and applied Swift knife to create clean and neat strokes. He created his own style that was peculiar in the late Qing dynasty and had far-reaching influence on the seal engraving community of Guangdong Province, so he was renowned as the originator of the Lingnan school. ; Huang made seals throughout his life and left over rich works. According to the information collected from this research, Huang has about 2,400 seals, which have been analyzed, integrated and chronicled into a systematic and ...
    • File Description:
      electronic resource; remote; 1 online resource (iv, 795 leaves) : ill. (some col.)
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