نبذة مختصرة : Prostrate shrubs with usually freely rooting woody branches, often forming large patrches. Leaf blades oblong-elliptic to somewhat obovate, 2/3 to 1 inch long, up to inch broad, more or less cuneate at base, coarsely once or twice crenate-serrate, dark green and glabrous to (more commonly) sparsely to moderately tomentose on the upper surface, white tomentose beneath. Scapes up to 8 inches tall, more or less tomentose, sparingly stipitate-glandular near the tip. Calyx strongly stipitate glandular, the hypanthium strongly villous within, the lobes ovate, 1 2/3 to 2 inches long. Petals pale to rather deep yellow, ascending (rather than spreading) in flower, elliptic to nearly obovate, 1/3 to inch long, the outer ones, and sometimes all, usually stipitate-glandular and often also somewhat tomentose in a median line. Filaments hairy, at least near their base. Styles often yellow plumose. Identification Tips: Dryas drummondii can be separated from other species of Dryas by flower color. D. drummondii has yellow flowers and the other species of Dryas within its range have white or cream flowers. In addition, the leaves of D. drummondii have cuneate bases and the other species have cordate or rounded bases. Phenology: Flowers May through early July.
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