نبذة مختصرة : Accounting has an important role for investors, management and users of financial statements. To understand accounting requires an understanding of the cycle and the basis of accounting. Accounting has begun to be taught in the 11th grade of high school. Many of the students are lacking and not interested in accounting because they do not understand the basics. SMA Bunda Hati Kudus as one of the private schools in Jakarta wants to improve the knowledge and competence of its students through knowledge from outside parties. Therefore, we hold this training to help the students of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School to get to know more about accounting. For participants who participated from grade 12 students who had not yet received the topic of accounting for trading companies, we provided solutions to schools to teach basic accounting topics of trading companies which started from making adjustment journals, making financial reports, making closing and reversing journals and completing working papers. This activity is carried out face-to-face by explaining the theory first, followed by practice questions and finally quizzes are carried out. With this activity, the students now better understand accounting. This activity is very useful for the students and it is hoped that this activity will continue. Akuntansi mempunyai peranan penting bagi investor, manajemen dan pengguna laporan keuangan. Untuk memahami akuntansi diperlukan pemahaman dari siklus dan dasar akuntansi. Akuntansi sudah mulai diajarkan di kelas 11 SMA. Banyak para siswa yang kurang dan tidak tertarik dengan akuntansi karena tidak memahami dasarnya. SMA Bunda Hati Kudus sebagai salah satu sekolah swasta di Jakarta ingin meningkatkan ilmu dan kompetensi para siswanya melalui pengetahuan dari pihak luar. Oleh karena itu maka kami mengadakan pelatihan ini untuk membantu para siswa SMA Bunda Hati Kudus untuk lebih mengenal akuntansi. Untuk para peserta yang ikut dari siswa kelas 12 yang belum mendapatkan topik akuntansi perusahaan dagang, maka kami ...
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