نبذة مختصرة : U ovom se radu prijevodi starogrčkih tragedija Bratoljuba Klaića promatraju u odnosu na njegove prethodnike te na zahtjeve onovremene recepcije antičkih dramskih tekstova. Na odabranim se primjerima iz Sofoklovih drama Antigona i Kralj Edip, a u usporedbi sa starijim prijevodima Kolomana Raca, analizira status Klaićeva prijevoda u odnosu na izvornik, određuju bitna načela njegove prevoditeljske metodologije te uočavaju strategije kojima rješava neke od problema interpretacije starogrčkoga teksta. ; Bratoljub Klaić began his work as a translator in the 1950’s, when new approaches and criteria were being established in the theatrical interpretation of ancient Greek drama. These approaches demanded translations that were complete in both form and content as well as being suited to new theatrical practice. This paper analyzes selected passages of Klaić’s and Rac’s translations of Sophocles’ tragedies Antigone and Oedipus the King. These passages show that Klaić was flexible in his intent to respect the integrity of the Greek original, abandoning Koloman Rac’s idea of the closest possible reconstruction of the original. Klaić’s translation method, although more liberal on all levels (metric, lexical, syntactic, and stylistic), never brought translation equivalence into question. Klaić’s verses portray him not only as a skillful translator but also as an expert on Croatian accentology and prosodic patterns. By making his translations suitable for stage speech and theatrical performance, he paved the way for a new reception of ancient Greek drama.
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