نبذة مختصرة : Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is the pathogen causing tuberculosis (TB), a disease most often affecting the lung. 1.5 million people die annually due to TB, mainly in low-income countries. Usually considered a disease of the poor, also developed nations recently put TB back on their agenda, fueled by the HIV epidemic and the global emergence of drug-resistant Mtb strains. HIV-coinfection is a predisposing factor for TB, and infection with multi-drug resistant and extremely drug resistant strains significantly impedes and lengthens antibiotic treatment, and increases fatality. Mtb is transmitted from a sick individual via coughing, and resident macrophages are the first cells to encounter the bacterium upon inhalation. These cells phagocytose intruders and subject them to a range of destructive mechanisms, aiming at killing pathogens and protecting the host. Mtb, however, has evolved to cope with host pressures, and has developed mechanisms to submerge macrophage defenses. Among these, inhibition of phagosomal maturation and adaptation to the intracellular environment are important features. Mtb profoundly alters its phenotype inside host cells, characterized by altered metabolism and slower growth. These adaptations contribute to the ability of Mtb to remain dormant inside a host during latent TB infection, a state that can last for decades. According to recent estimates, one third of the world’s population is latently infected with Mtb, which represents a huge reservoir for active TB disease. Mtb is also intrinsically tolerant to many antibiotics, and adaptation to host pressures enhances tolerance to first-line TB drugs. Therefore, TB antibiotic therapy takes 6 to 9 months, and current treatment regimens involve a combination of several antibiotics. Patient noncompliance due to therapeutic side effects as well as insufficient penetration of drugs into TB lesions are reasons for treatment failure and can lead to the rise of drug-resistant populations. In view of the global spread of drug-resistant strains, ...
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