نبذة مختصرة : Pumpkin, high carbohydrate local food potential to substitute for wheat. The substitution of pumpkin pasta and addition of natural dyes affected the texture properties and cooking quality dry noodles. The purpose was finding formulation of dry noodles with pumpkin pasta substitution and addition of natural dyes, analyze the characteristic of the texture properties and cooking quality of dry noodles. This study used one factor RAK, the ratio of wheat flour and pumpkin pasta with 6 levels, are: 100% wheat flour and 0% pumpkin pasta with or without addition of carrot juice, 90% wheat flour and 10% pumpkin pasta until 60% wheat flour and 40% pumpkin pasta with addition of carrot juice. Each groups was repeated 4 times. The observed parameters were hardness, cohesivenness, springiness, adhesion, gumminess, rehydration ability and cooking loss. The results showed the addition of pumpkin pasta didn’t affect the cohesiveness, adhesion, gumminess, and hardness, but affected the springiness, rehydration ability and cooking loss dry noodles. The substitution of 20% pumpkin pasta and the addition of carrot juice in the making of dry noodles is the best formulation because of low cooking loss value, high rehydration ability and have same texture properties as dry noodles from wheat flour. ; Bahan pangan lokal tinggi karbohidrat seperti labu kuning berpotensi sebagai substitusi terigu. Substitusi pasta labu kuning dan penambahan pewarna alami dalam pembuatan mie kering mempengaruhi sifat tekstur dan kualitas pemasakan mie. Tujuan penelitian adalah mencari formulasi mie kering substitusi pasta labu kuning dan penambahan pewarna alami dan menganalisa karakteristik sifat tekstur dan kualitas pemasakan mie kering. Penelitian ini menggunakan RAK satu faktor yaitu perbandingan tepung terigu dan konsentrasi pasta labu kuning dengan 6 level yaitu : 100% tepung terigu dan 0% pasta labu kuning dengan penambahan dan atau tanpa penambahan sari wortel, 90% tepung terigu dan 10% pasta labu kuning hingga 60% tepung terigu dan 40% pasta labu ...
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