نبذة مختصرة : For quite some time, Slovenian society has been preserving a specific model of social organisation rooted in the communal form. In functioning as a socio-cultural centre of the local community the school greatly surpassed its primary role of educating children. The process of urbanisation that has reached rural areas brought very interesting changes to the previously expanded function of the local school. We examined how, today, schools perceive a need to connect with and engage in their local environments. The perceptions of connections and their real modalities do differ and the ways in which schools respond to the needs of the localities (and vice versa) depend on the prevalent model of social organisation. Exceptions to this are more significant in localities where the school might be one of very few public institutions or the only public institution present at the local level. Although the schools wish to motivate and engage local residents also in other environments, they often lack the time and energy to do so. The results of qualitative analysis indicated that merging or closing local schools could have negative demographic and socio-cultural consequences. At the same time, the analysis pointed to unrealised potential in the localities lacking tradition, such as new urban areas where the school could be the crucial element in the social organisation of the local community. ; V Sloveniji se je dolgo ohranjal model organizacije družbe, ki je koreninil v skupnostni formi. V taki družbeni formi je na ravni lokalne skupnosti osnovna šola daleč presegala svojo primarno vzgojno-izobraževalno funkcijo. Urbanizacija, ki je danes precej zajela tudi za podeželje bolj značilno skupnostno družbeno formo, je prinesla zanimive spremembe v omenjeni širši funkciji šole. Raziskali smo, kako danes šole razumejo potrebe po povezovanju šole in skupnosti. Ugotovili smo, da se razumevanje tega povezovanja in njegove modalitete močno razlikujejo. Načini, kako šole odgovarjajo na potrebe skupnosti (in obratno), so močno odvisni ...
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