نبذة مختصرة : This course conclusion paper aims to reflect on the construction of a repertoire of anti-racist pedagogical practices. In the first part, I try to show the paths taken before DCNERER (BRASIL,2004) and present practices that happened in the school before its implementation. I also seek to present how ethnic-racial relations take place in early childhood education and how anti-racist pedagogical practices can contribute to a future generation of less racist subjects. In the second part, I present the practices that happened after the implementation DCNERER (BRASIL,2004). Considering how the theme is discussed and worked through anti-racist practices in early childhood education, I try to present examples of some practices in dialogue with the BNCC so that we can build an initial repertoire of how these practices can contribute to the valorization of black children and in the construction of your positive self-identity. The main objective of building this repertoire is to contribute to my practice and that of my friends and my educating friends in the classroom. Thus, we can have a way of inserting the issue of ethnic-racial relations in our daily lives in a healthy and natural way, so that together we can contribute to the construction of future conscious subjects who respect their neighbors and are respected, regardless of their physical characteristics. , cultural and social. ; Este trabalho de conclusão de curso tem por objetivo refletir sobre a construção de um repertório de práticas pedagógicas antirracistas. Na primeira parte, busco mostrar os caminhos percorridos anteriormente à DCNERER (BRASIL,2004) e apresento práticas que aconteciam na escola antes de sua implementação. Busco também apresentar como se dão as relações étnico-raciais na educação infantil e como as práticas pedagógicas antirracistas podem contribuir para uma futura geração de sujeitos menos racistas. Na segunda parte, apresento as práticas que aconteceram posteriormente à implementação da DCNERER (BRASIL,2004). Considerando como é discutida ...
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