نبذة مختصرة : Ankara : The Department of International Relations of Bilkent University, 2010. ; Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2010. ; Includes bibliographical references leaves 134-145. ; This thesis aims to understand what motivates energy policies of Turkey with respect to three main actors in the world system, the USA, the EU and Russia in the light of two international relations theories; neorealism and neoliberalism. After giving detailed energy profile of Turkey, in the thesis, neorealism is utilized or energy relations between Turkey and the US, whereas neoliberalism is used to analyze energy relations of Turkey with the EU and Russia. The study reaches to a conclusion that energy politics compose a significant share for relations between states and in this context according neorealism the result would come up as little cooperation and according to neoliberalism, as middle cooperation considering gains and interests of the actors. ; Kumaş, Gizem ; M.A.
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