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1906 March The Pikeville Collegian 7

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    • Collection:
      The Digital Collections of the University of Pikeville (UPike)
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      '\ THE PIKEVILLE COLLEGIAM . ted States in 1857 tried a case of a negro, Dred Scott, who sued for his freedom on ground that his master had taken him to a free state. The court decided that Congress had no power to forbid slavery in the territories. The North now feared that slavery would pe made national by a. de-cision of the Supreme Court, and GALLEY •NO. 2-S & K. that the free states would thulil be forced to allow slaveholding. In 1859 John Brown made a raid in Virginia in order to free . the slaves. He was - soon over come, t ried, and executed. Thilil r-aid alarmed the Southern people more than the Dred Scott Deci-siou had the North. The Southern States now be-lieved they had the right and ought to secede from the Union and each state decide the question for herself. When Lincoln waa elected, South Carolina, Georgia, Flor.ida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas seceded, Fort Sumpter was fired upon, and .the Civil War had begun. GEORGIA DILS, '08 . Sketch of Merchant of Venice. This play was written by Sha"kespeare in 1597, tho' it was not published till 1600. Antonio / {vas a rich merchant of Venice . I' '-He had everything which money ·/ c~1uld buy. This man had ships on nearly every known sea of the world, and his ships were ladened down with all the riches which foreign countries supplied. f\,11 the money he had was in these ships and their cargoes. If these were destroyed he was lost but he had so many that he felt sure that at least some of them would ar- J'i ve safely. , • I He was not a selft~h man, but kind hearted, and wished to obige his friends in every way he could. The poor people came to him for help, and he always helped them, although he did not expect to be repaid for his kindness. An old Jew, Shylock by name, lived in this same town of Venice and made hili! living by loaning money. This man was just the op-posite of Antonio. Be was al-ways trying to get somebody un-der his control; he delighted in trying to drag people down. To be sure he did not make his living honestly ;he ...
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