نبذة مختصرة : The study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of realistic simulation in the teaching-learning process of the nursing diagnosis rationale. It is an experimental, randomized controlled trial (RCT). It was carried out at the Nursing Department of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Campus Natal. The study population consisted of nurses as specialists for the validation of clinical cases and nursing diagnoses (DE) and undergraduate nursing students from the UFRN, who attend the 9 th period of the course. The selection of the judges was carried out by means of a purposive, snowball and sequential sampling process among the members of the CIPE® Study Group and other study groups from Federal Universities working with the CIPE, all of which were included The specialists who accepted to participate in the study, totaling a sample of 6 specialists. The sample of students was composed of 24 students, randomly matched in two groups (control and intervention) according to control variables: age, sex, clinical experience, occupation, student profile and ARI. The data were collected in the period of March 2017. After validation of the clinical cases and ED, the course "Clinical Judgment and Critical-Reflexive Thinking: competences for the learning of the diagnostic reasoning" was carried out, which was developed in 5 stages: theoretical lecture Expository-dialog, simulation scenario 1, 2 and 3 and course evaluation. The efficacy of the simulation strategy was evaluated by the correctness index of the priority SDs elaborated in the two groups after the pre and post-tests, comparing them with the diagnoses validated by the specialists. Data were organized into tables and analyzed based on absolute frequencies, measures of central tendency and dispersion, and concordance tests using the Content Validity Index (IVC) and Kappa. Fisher's exact test was used to assess the independence of the study variables. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of UFRN with CAAE: 64881617.5.0000.5537 Five ...
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