نبذة مختصرة : Most linear inverse problems require regularization to ensure that robust and meaningful solutions can be found. Typically, Tikhonov-style regularization is used, whereby a preference is expressed for models that are somehow ‘small’ and/or ‘smooth’. The strength of such preferences is expressed through one or more damping parameters, which control the character of the solution, and which must be set by the user. However, identifying appropriate values is often regarded as a matter of art, guided by various heuristics. As a result, such choices have often been the source of controversy and concern. By treating these as hyperparameters within a hierarchical Bayesian framework, we are able to obtain solutions that encompass the range of permissible regularization parameters. Furthermore, we show that these solutions are often well-approximated by those obtained via standard analysis using certain regularization choices which are—in a certain sense—optimal. We obtain algorithms for determining these optimal values in various cases of common interest, and show that they generate solutions with a number of attractive properties. A reference implementation of these algorithms, written in Python, accompanies this paper. ; APV acknowledges support from the Australian Research Council through a Discovery Early Career Research Award (grant number DE180100040), from Geoscience Australia (under the auspices of the project “Data Science in Solid Earth Geophysics”), and from the Research School of Earth Sciences at ANU
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