نبذة مختصرة : The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of eight months of a multimodal program of physical exercise on articular range of motion of the lower limb of patients with Parkinson disease (PD), considering gender and disease stage. Seventeen individuals with PD participated in this study. Participants were assessed before of multimodal program of the physical exercise and after four and eight months of physical exercise. In these periods were evaluated the clinical aspects and articular range of motion of the lower limb. For statistical analysis, patients were distributed according to gender and disease stage. A MANOVA considering exercise, gender and stage of disease, with repeated measures for the first factor, was performed. The clinical results showed regression of disease progression, indicating cognitive decline for women. The articular range of motion improved after four and eight months of physical exercise, especially for the hip and ankle, independent of gender and stage of PD. It was concluded that the multimodal exercise program of the eight months was effective in improving articular range of motion in patients with PD. The benefits of exercise for this physical capacity were independent of gender and severity of PD. ; El objetivo de este estudio fue verificar el efecto de ocho meses de un programa multimodal de ejercicio físico en la amplitud de movimiento articular de la extremidad inferior de pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson (EP), considerando género y la etapa de la enfermedad. El estudio incluyó a 17 sujetos con EP idiopática. Los participantes fueron evaluados antes del período de ejecución del programa multimodal de ejercicio físico y tras cuatro y ocho meses de ejercicio físico. Se evaluaron aspectos clínicos y la amplitud de movimiento de las articulaciones de las extremidades inferiores. Para el análisis estadístico, los pacientes fueron agrupados de acuerdo con el género y etapa de la enfermedad, mediante la realización de un MANOVA con factor para ejercicio físico, género y ...
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