بيانات النشر: Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper (HOV)
Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden
Department of Leadership and Command & Control, Swedish Defense University, Stockholm, Sweden; Department of Intervention and Implementation Research for Worker Health, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden; Department of Occupational Health and Safety, LKAB, Gällivare, Sweden
Springer Nature
نبذة مختصرة : This study examines diferences in leadership behaviors and in the perceived work environment between older and younger managers in a large Swedish mining company. The leadership behaviors and work environment of young managers in the mining industry will become more important in the future due to the changes taking place in the industry. Such changes include the older generation of managers reaching retirement age, while the industry generally fnds it difcult to recruit a younger generation of employees. Moreover, rapid technology-centered transition, such as the green transition of the mining industry, is underway which may put young managers in particular under pressure. Meanwhile, research on young managers in the mining industry more broadly is sparse. Data for this study was mainly gathered via a questionnaire, complemented by data from interviews. The questionnaire included 48 validated self-rate questions on background variables, social and organizational working conditions, health, and leadership behavior. The survey was answered by 216 managers (response rate: 63%). Interviews were carried out with ten young managers (35 years or younger). The study found no statistically signifcant diferences between younger and older managers with regards to workload, working hours, health, and work satisfaction. We found that older managers rate themselves higher, at a statistically signifcant level, for change-oriented leadership behaviors. However, when age is analyzed together with other variables that are signifcantly diferent between the two groups, only managerial experience and managerial positions show statistically signifcant associations with change-oriented and healthy and efective leadership behaviors. The interviews indicate that the young managers encounter challenges that are related to their experience and training, but few are related to their age. Given the infuence of managerial experience on leadership behaviors, leadership training appears to be an important area of intervention, and conditions ...
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