نبذة مختصرة : The teachers’ formation for Early Childhood Education and early years of Elementary Education had as a locus for the middle level to happen. In 1996, with the enactment of LDB n. 9.394, this form of teacher training was immersed in an ambiguous context. At the same time as the legislation provides for teacher training at a higher level the Teaching course remains in operation and the teachers trained by it continue to be hired. This article is a document research, and aims to analyze the policy of teacher training. Its specific objectives are to contextualize the teachers training at the secondary level in Brazil. And discuss the teacher education policy based on the analysis methodology of the Policy Cycle approach proposed by Ball and his collaborators. The discussion is anchored mainly in Ball, Foucault, Mainardes, Tanuri, Villela and Schaffrath. Although there are laws that point to the higher level as a privileged locus for teacher training, they did not mean the end of middle level training. The same educational system that puts in check the training of teachers in the middle level, offers this training and hires the teachers trained by it. Middle and higher level training cohabit in the context of practice. ; La formación de profesores para la Educación Infantil y años iniciales de la Enseñanza Primaria tenía como un locus para suceder el nivel secundario. En 1996, con la promulgación de la Ley de Directrices y Bases de la Educación Brasileña (LDB) n. 9.394, esa modalidad de formación docente fue inmersa en un ambiguo contexto. Al mismo tiempo en que la legislación prevé la formación docente a nivel superior el curso del Magisterio permanece en funcionamiento y los profesores formados por él continúan siendo contratados. Este artículo es una investigación documental, y tiene por objetivo analizar la política de formación de los profesores. Siendo sus objetivos específicos contextualizar la formación de profesores a nivel secundario en el Brasil. Y discutir la política de formación de los profesores a ...
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