نبذة مختصرة : Recently, the surgical level for "ulna minus"-variance correction gained popularity in the treatment of Kienbock's disease. Our study aimed at investigating both A. nutricia radii and A. nutricia ulnae in site of branching and localization of Foramen nutricium on the ulna and radius. Cadaver material from 23 upper extremities was used after dissection along with bone material from 82 ulna and 86 radius specimens. A. nutricia radii originated from A. interossea anterior in 100 % of the cases while A. nutricia ulnae initiated from A. interossea anterior in 73,91 % of the cases, directly from A. ulnaris - in 13,04 %, from A. interossea communis - in 4, 35 %, and from A. recurrens ulnaris - in 8, 70 %. Based on these and previously reported data about Foramen nutricium localization along the radius and ulna the reasons for the preferred radius shortening to the ulna lengthening as well as its choice as a most suitable site for "level" osteotomy in the treatment of Kienbck's disease were discussed.
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