نبذة مختصرة : Identified as the nations ‘Worst’ invasive plant species by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Phragmites australis subsp. australis (Phragmites) commonly known as European Common Reed, thrives in marshlands and lakeshores, overwhelming the local ecosystem with dense monospecific stands which seriously impact local habitats and biodiversity. Highways are rapidly becoming corridors due to disturbance and increase in soil salinity, raising the possibility of a problem for rural and urban forestry. Among several strategies to mitigate its spread, the use of herbicide followed by cutting and burning is found to be the most effective for established stands. Critically endangered biospheres such as in Long Point are on the verge of collapse since spraying of herbicide is not authorized over aquatic habitats in Canada. An informal public opinion survey revealed that although there is significant awareness about Invasive Phragmites, there is a great deal of concern and little support for aerial spraying of herbicides over wetlands. Could awareness programs to alleviate the concerns increase local support and influence policy to authorize herbicide spraying over wetlands?
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