نبذة مختصرة : Video games have become an everyday form of entertainment and very popular among students. Their use has increased steadily. According to some studies, on average, students play video games for up to two hours a day, and a significant percentage of them say they play four or more hours per day. The research is quantitative and qualitative. The purpose of the research is to assess the impact of video games on the behavior and success of students in school, according to the perception of students themselves and their parents, as well as their opinions about the frequency of use, supervision, content of games they play and time spend playing on the devices they own, or even online. The population consists of students in grades 8 and 9, because, according to numerous studies, it turns out that this age group spends most of the time playing video games. The instruments used for data collection are a questionnaire for students and a questionnaire for parents. According to research data, students generally underestimate the time spent playing video games and deny their impact on school achievement. Most of them think that playing video games does not affect the achievement of good results at all. About 40% of students think that violent video games contribute to aggressive student behavior, and if children already have aggressive behavior, violent games can further increase this aggressiveness. The impact of violent video games on aggressive behavior, according to parents, is twice as great compared to their children. 80.9% of parents stated that violent video games, which show fighting and destruction in the real world, can lead them to aggressive behavior, while 13.8% think that violent games have no effect. ; Videolojërat janë bërë një formë argëtimi e përditshme dhe shumë e përhapur te nxënësit. Përdorimi i tyre është rritur në mënyrë të vazhdueshme. Sipas disa hulumtimeve, mesatarisht, nxënësit luajnë videolojëra deri në dy orë në ditë, kurse një përqindje e konsiderueshme e tyre ...
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