نبذة مختصرة : The prevalence of implementing virtual reality in foreign language education in the recent years has attracted language learners’ interests and provided them with extremely conducive technological learning environment. The primary objective of the current research article is to analyse the most recent studies carried out on the effectiveness of virtual reality on foreign language education. For the sake of the study, 20 peer-reviewed published papers conducted between 2019 and 2022 were carefully selected.The meta-analysis of the studies targeted four paramount research components: (1) data collection method, (2) sample size, (3) research design and (4) language skills. The results of the analysis revealed that mixed-method was the most employed approach and undergraduate groups with a sample size of 1–50 most prevalently selected. For the sake of data collection, 40% of the related studies employed questionnaires to gather the data. Moreover, 30% of the studies investigated the impact of using virtual reality in improving English vocabulary. Thus, this content analysis study recommends addressing other language skills, i.e. receptive and productive.
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