نبذة مختصرة : [EN] In this protocol we complete the first three stages of action research to analyze possibilities for continuous improvement of processes in public universities. We define the problem or area of improvement in the organization; we identify the relevance of the topic to generate an academic contribution and propose an action plan or work protocol. Although we have focused on a public higher education organization, this protocol can be applicable without requiring too many adaptations, to any public service (at least in the Spanish context). ; [ES] En este protocolo completamos las tres primeras etapas de la investigación acción para analizar posibilidades de mejora continua de procesos en universidades públicas. Definimos el problema o área de mejora en la organización; identificamos la relevancia del tema para generar una contribución académica y proponemos un plan de acción o protocolo de trabajo. Aunque nos hayamos centrado en una organización de educación superior pública, este protocolo puede ser aplicable sin precisar demasiadas adaptaciones, a cualquier servicio público (al menos en el contexto español). ; Marin-Garcia, JA.; Garcia-Sabater, JJ.; Maheut, J. (2018). Protocol: action planning for action research about kaizen in public organizations. The case of higher education. Working Papers on Operations Management. 9(1):1-13. https://doi.org/10.4995/wpom.v9i1.8990 ; 1 ; 13 ; 9 ; 1 ; Agmoni, E. (2016). The role of kaizen in creating radical performance results in a logistics service provider. Logforum, 12(3), 225-245. https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2016.3.4 ; Alfaro, J. A., Avella, L., & Mejía-Villa, A. (2016). Concerning the increasing relevance ofaction research methodology in improving collaboration between researchers and industry in the field of operations management. Paper presented at the 23rd EurOMA conference. TRondheim. Norway. ; Audretsch, D. B., Martinez-Fuentes, C., & Pardo-del-Val, M. (2011). Incremental innovation in services through continuous improvement. Service Industries ...
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