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The Existence of Literary Characters and Non-verbal Motivation in Sofocles’ Tragedy and the Dramatic Atmosphere ; Eksistenca literarnih likov in neverbalna motivacija v Sofoklovi tragediji ter dramska klima

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • بيانات النشر:
      Založba Univerze v Ljubljani / University of Ljubljana Press
    • الموضوع:
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      The present article discusses the influence of dramatic atmosphere on decisions, judgments, and actions of drama characters. This is illustrated by means of examples taken from Antigone and The Women of Trachis. It is in the atmosphere of the post-war Thebes that Ismene is wavering between the fear of punishment and the fear of the wrath of the gods, if Polyneices is to remain unburied. The Influence of the dramatic atmosphere can also be noted in Creon’s change of decision regarding the conviction of Ismene. Special attention is paid in the article to the difficult question of the attribution of verses Antigone 572, 574 and 576 which have an important impact on the understanding of the psychological motivations of the heroes. It is in the atmosphere of Trachis at the edge of the civilization, where Deianeira, the second heroine discussed in the article, is expecting Heracles’ fate to decide imminently as predicted. The truth concerning Iola disclosed, Deia­neira’s psychologic tension comes to a critical point and she decides to do the fateful deed after having pondered upon it in the “backstage silence” between the first and the second act. ; Pričujoči članek obravnava vpliv dramske klime, v kateri se prepletajo zunanje in notranje okoliščine dramskega dogajanja, na odločitve, sodbe in ravnanja dramskih likov. To ponazarjava s primeroma iz Antigone in Trahink. V vzdušju povojnih Teb Ismena omahuje med strahom pred kaznijo in strahom pred božanskim srdom zaradi nepokopa Polinejka. Prav tako lahko vpliv dramske klime opazimo v Kreontovi spremembi odločitve glede Ismenine obsodbe na smrt. Posebno pozornost v članku dobi tudi zahtevno vprašanje atribucije verzov v Antigoni 572, 574 in 576, ki pomembno vpliva na razume­vanje psihologije junakov. Druga obravnavana junakinja, Dejanejra, strahoma pričakuje prerokovano odločitev Heraklove usode v Tra­hini, na robu civilizacije. S spoznanjem resnice o Ioli se Dejanejrina psihološka napetost zaostri do skrajnosti in po premisleku, ki zori v njej v zaodrski tišini med ...
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      Copyright (c) 2023 Brane Senegačnik, Sergej Valijev ;
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