نبذة مختصرة : Purpose: to explore current strategies and approaches to preventing alcohol use and reducing the associated risk of harm in WHO strategic documents. Materials and Methods. Bibliographic and information-analytical methods were used in the study. The scientific source base is WHO, WHO information and strategic, programmatic and working documents. Results. An analysis of the WHO strategic documents and programmatic documents, WHO, the UN, the EU, the EU has highlighted the priority of preventing and reducing unhealthy alcohol use in the fight against NCDs and promoting public health. Global Action Plan on Noncommunicable Diseases, Global Strategy for Reducing Alcohol Abuse, outlines perspectives for preventing unhealthy alcohol behavior and reducing the prevalence of this risk factor by using population, group and individual approaches, using economic, legal and other approaches. Regional European documents, first of all, the European Action Plan on Reduction of Alcohol Use for 2012–2020, represent a set of effective measures concerning the implementation of marketing and pricing policies, raising public awareness, combating drunk driving, leadership, leadership reducing the negative effects of alcohol and alcohol intoxication within the health sector, reducing the availability of alcoholic beverages, reducing consumption produced illegally cogeneration products or the unorganized sector, monitoring and surveillance. Conclusions. Identified promising directions, strategies and measures to counteract unhealthy alcohol consumption, outlined in international and regional health documents, are the basis for substantiation and development of conceptual frameworks and concrete action plans for preventing and combating the negative effects of alcohol use by the population . ; Мета: дослідити сучасні стратегії та підходи до профілактики вживання алкоголю і зменшення шкоди, пов’язаної з цим чинником ризику, в стратегічних документах Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров’я (ВООЗ). Матеріали і методи. При виконанні ...
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