نبذة مختصرة : Under the guidance of the National Policy of Medicinal Plants and Phytotherapeutic Medicines (PNPMF), legal framework for the use of medicinal plants in the Unified Health System, the academy has been developing research on medicinal plants to provide support and scientific basis to PNPMF guidelines. In general, the academic production in this segment accompanies movements and tendencies of interest of society throughout the 12 years of PNPMF. During this period, several initiatives have been taking place in order to implement PNPMF in the municipalities. The study of these experiences and initiatives can support and correct the course of the social actors who act by the guidelines of this policy. Due to the complexity of the process, there is no formula that can define the direction and the actions, being these specific of each municipality according to its reality. There is a gap in scientific production in case studies on the methods and strategies used by social actors in these experiments and in the design of plant production to meet the population of the municipality. In this context, this case study followed the actions and methodologies used by social actors to insert medicinal plants into SUS in the municipality of Turuçu-RS, with the participation of family farmers in the production chain. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the short and decentralized production chain and the epidemiological profile as a method for selecting medicinal plants were adequate to structure and size the production of vegetal drugs for the municipality of Turuçu. ; Sob a orientação da Política Nacional de Plantas Medicinais e Medicamentos Fitoterápicos (PNPMF), marco legal para a utilização das plantas medicinais no Sistema Único de Saúde, a academia vem desenvolvendo pesquisas sobre as plantas medicinais para dar suporte e base científica às diretrizes da PNPMF. No geral a produção acadêmica neste segmento acompanha movimentos e tendências de interesse da sociedade ao longo dos 12 anos da PNPMF. Neste período, ...
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