نبذة مختصرة : The porrajmos – as the gipsies in the Roma group call the Nazi genocide promoted by the Nazis in the 20th century - was the consequence of a long process of anti-Roma in Europe, and despite being a very significant event in the history of Roma peoples, it is, even today, a learning content little taught in Basic Education, in view of the absence of affirmative public policies and teaching materials for this. Faced with this problem-situation, this research had as its central theme the development of a pedagogical tool for the teaching of porrajmos. We delimited the research to the development of the Role Playing Game – RPG, entitled "The last song of Birkenau", which aims to contribute to the mastery of a skill in the curricular component History, described in the National Common Curriculum Base, for the 9th year of Education Fundamental, which dialogues directly with the theme. The methodological flow of this research was elaborated taking as reference the projective and epistemological paradigm of Design, through the Design Science Research approach, in the form of applied research, and resulted in the production of: 1) a game-book for the player; 2) a teacher's game book; 3) six character cards; and 4) a game website. By developing an educational game that addresses Gypsy histories and cultures, and which is directly related to a skill described in the BNCC, in addition to promoting greater visibility for Gypsies, we seek to enable other teachers to access a learning object with potential playful, transformative, collaborative, interactive and creative. ; O porrajmos – como os ciganos do grupo rom nomeiam genocídio cigano promovido pelos nazistas no século XX – foi a consequência de um longo processo de anticiganismo na Europa, e apesar de ser um evento significativo na história dos povos ciganos, é, ainda hoje, um conteúdo de aprendizagem pouco ensinado no Ensino Básico, tendo em vista a ausência de políticas publicas afirmativas e materiais didáticos sobre a temática. Diante desta situação-problema, esta ...
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