نبذة مختصرة : In contrast to the dataset provided for ÜGK17, the scientific use file for ÜGK16 available at FORSbase (version 1.0.0, doi:10.23662/FORS-DS-1004-1) does not include a predefined variable for the socio-economic status (SES) of the students. Also, it does not include multiply imputed data that address missing values. Because one of the components of SES (i.e., parent’s highest educational attainment) includes a substantial number of missings, the problem of missing values should be addressed before generating the variable ses. This script applies the procedure used for PISA for imputing the three components used in the definition of SES and defines the variable ses and qses as defined in the technical appendices to the ÜGK report. Note: The resulting variables will not be identical to ones used for the national report. Imputation follows: PISA 2015 Technical Report, P. 339: http://www.oecd.org/pisa/data/2015-technical-report/PISA2015_TechRep_Final-Chapter16.pdf "For students with missing data on one out of the three components [for ÜGK: highest education of parents, highest ISEI of parents, number of books at home] the missing variable was imputed. Regression on the other two variables was used to predict the third (missing) variable, and a random component was added to the predicted value. If there were missing data on more than one component, ESCS [for ÜGK: SES] was not computed and a missing value was assigned for ESCS [for ÜGK: SES]." Recoding of components and definition of SES follows: Pham, G., Helbling, L., Verner, M., Petrucci, F., Angelone, D., & Ambrosetti, A. (2019). ÜGK – COFO – VeCoF 2016 results: Technical appendices. St.Gallen & Genf: Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen (PHSG) & Service de la recherche en éducation (SRED), pp. 4-7. http://uegk-schweiz.ch/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/UEGK16__Technical-appendices.pdf
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