نبذة مختصرة : The objective of this study is to delve into the epistemological convictions of secondary school science teachers in Malang across various tenures, namely senior teachers, junior teachers, and pre-service teachers. Employing an explanatory sequential design model, the research employs a mixed-method approach. Quantitative data, gathered through the administration of the Scientific Epistemology Beliefs Questionnaire (n = 30), are complemented by qualitative insights drawn from interviews with teachers (n = 6) concerning their epistemological orientations. Descriptive statistics and qualitative analyses, utilizing an a priori coding technique aligned with the study’s conceptual framework, were conducted on the interview data. Quantitative analysis reveals a parity in the level of epistemological beliefs among teachers. However, qualitative examination unveils nuanced distinctions: senior teachers demonstrate transitional epistemological beliefs, while junior teachers and pre-service teachers exhibit traditional and instructive orientations, respectively. These findings hold significance for the enhancement of teachers’ professional development in Malang, particularly in the domain of science pedagogy.DOI:10.17977/jps.v12i12024p034
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