نبذة مختصرة : This article studies the entrepreneurial activities of migrants that were linked to the productive life of Barranquilla at the beginning of the 19th century. As the main port of Colombia, Barranquilla became an exchange space for trade, capital and foreigners who saw in this site a "door" for the economic development of their trading houses, banks and factories. The main objective is to show successful cases of North American, European and Latin American businessmen who found opportunities in Barranquilla to increase their capital, and whose economic migration was successful to the extent that they were articulated to the dynamics of a Caribbean city; with cultural and social structures different from those of their countries, and where they learned to overcome the adversities of the time. The methodological design makes a historical review of the migratory processes in the cities - ports of the Colombian Caribbean, specifically on Barranquilla due to the economic expansion that it experienced due to the activities of migrant bankers, merchants and businessmen. Among the partial results, a wide sensitivity of the Caribbean basin was found for the reception of transatlantic migrations in contemporary times, especially for groups with commercial and business initiatives in the territories with notable economic growth ; Este articulo estudia las actividades empresariales de migrantes que se vincularon a la vida productiva de Barranquilla en el siglo XIX. Como principal puerto de Colombia, Barranquilla se convirtió en un espacio de intercambio para el comercio, el capital y los extranjeros que veían en este sitio una “puerta” para el desarrollo económico de sus casas comercializadoras, bancos y fábricas. El objetivo principal es mostrar casos exitosos de empresarios norteamericanos, europeos e hispanoamericanos que encontraron en Barranquilla oportunidades para incrementar sus capitales, y cuya migración económica fue exitosa en la medida que se articularon a dinámicas propias de una ciudad caribeña; con unas ...
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