نبذة مختصرة : Teenagers are called digital natives, because they grew and played with digital technology. It is necessary to use technological tools to attract the attention of these young people with regard to education. This paper seeks to show that it is possible to use ICT and social networks in improving student learning. Besides Facebook to be a social network, it can also be the basis for an architecture that it will help teachers Foreign Language to awaken the interest of the students, encouraging them in the activities done in the classroom as at home. The pedagogical architecture was being built throughout the process in the form of an action research, using as one of its main pillars the Reference Matrix of the Minimum Curriculum of Foreign Language. As contributions stand out the systematization of pedagogical practices made along the way, the empirical verification of the equivalence of Facebook with the other tools for assessment of school performance and a comparative study of the respective associations between these instruments, particularly Facebook, and learning style scales proposed by Felder and Silverman. ; Os adolescentes são chamados nativos digitais, pois nasceram e cresceram com a tecnologia digital. Faz-se necessário o uso de tecnologias para atrair a atenção desses jovens no que diz respeito à educação. O presente trabalho procura mostrar que é possível utilizar as TIC e as redes sociais na melhoria da aprendizagem do aluno. Além do Facebook ser uma rede social, ele também pode ser a base de uma Arquitetura Pedagógica que ajudará os professores de Língua Estrangeira a despertarem o interesse dos alunos; estimulando-os tanto nas atividades feitas em sala de aula quanto extraclasse; e aplicarem a Matriz de Referência do Currículo Mínimo da Língua Estrangeira.
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