نبذة مختصرة : An essential purpose of choropleth maps is the visual perception of spatial patterns (such as the detection of hot spots or extreme values). This requires an effective and as intuitive as possible comparison of color values between different regions. Accordingly, a number of design requirements must be considered. Due to the lack of empirical evidence regarding some elementary design aspects, an online study with 260 participants was conducted. Three closely related effects were examined: the “dark-is-more bias” (i.e., the intuitive ranking of color lightness), the “area-size bias” (i.e., the neglect of small areas, since these are less dominant in perception than larger ones) and the “data-classification effect” (i.e., attention to data classification when interpreting spatial patterns). For each hypothesis, one or more maps in connection with single or multiple choice questions were presented. Users should detect extreme values, central tendencies or homogeneities of values as well as comment on their task solving certainty. In general, the hypotheses regarding the mentioned effects could be confirmed by statistical analysis. The results are used to derive conclusions and topics for future research. In particular, further comparative empirical studies are recommended to determine the best possible map types for given applications, also considering alternatives to choropleth maps. ; Ein wesentlicher Zweck von Choroplethenkarten ist die visuelle Wahrnehmung von räumlichen Muster (wie die Detektion von Hot Spots oder Extremwerten). Dies erfordert einen effektiven und möglichst intuitiven Vergleich von Farbwerten zwischen unterschiedlichen Regionen. Dementsprechend muss eine Reihe von Design-Anforderungen berücksichtigt werden. Aufgrund des bisherigen Mangels an empirischen Beweisen bezüglich einiger elementarer Design-Aspekte wurde eine Online-Studie mit 260 Teilnehmern durchgeführt. Diese untersuchte drei eng miteinander verwandte Effekte: Der „Dunkel-ist-mehr-Effekt“ (d.h., die intuitive Rangfolge der ...
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