نبذة مختصرة : Mysticia n-Spectator Sitting - Judy Beglau, Joe Aberle, Advisor W. W. Garver, Dave Hahn, Delores Walker and Mel Weikum. Standing - Harley Hettick, Don Fischer, Mike Gutensohn, Pam Tifft, Kenneth Riedlinger, Jean Teskey, Mylon Ash, Dave Luyben, Flossie Walker, and Steve Nelson. Managing Editor Associate Editors. Assistant Editors Feature Editors . Sports Editor .•. Columnists .•. Exchange Editors. Art Editor . Photographers . Special Writers •. Reporters ••••. Clubs •. Business Manager. Circul a ti on Manager. Advertising Solicitors. Faculty Advisor .•. THE MYSTIC IAN · . . . . . Kenneth Riedlinger · . . • Mylon Ash, Pam Tifft • . Steve Nelson, Don Fischer Chuck Kline, Mike Gutensohn · •.••. Dean Walker • Vicki Steinert, Judy Beglau · . Bill He lphr ey , Jean Teskey · . . . . .• Dave Luyben Mike LaLonde, Harley Hettick Delores Walker, Flossie Walker Harley Trautman, Jim McIntyre • •. Dave Hahn, Don Opp · •. Joe Aberle · .•.• Mel Weikum Dick Wageman, Tom Kuhn Chuck Kline · . . . . . • Wm. W. Garver Officers of the Press Clu b, a social orgaruz a tion for members of the staff, are Delores Walker, Student Council Representative; Dave Luyben, Vice-President; Flossie Walker, Secretary- Treasurer; and Dave Hahn, President. Joe Aberle, Business Manager of the Mystician; Pam Tifft, Editor of the Spectator; and Ken Riedlinger, Editor of the Mystic ian are shown in conference. BJCt s Mystician and Spectator pro-vide the studentbodywithcompositenews-paper coverage on a combined twice -a-month publication schedule. Highlighting the 1959 -60 school year, the Mystician received a first place rat-ing with the Columbia Scholastic Press Association. 15
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