نبذة مختصرة : The aim of this work is to idenƟfy key factors and propose a model to explain orpredict compliance with a public road safety policy. It is not so much a quesƟon ofknowing whether a measure is "acceptable", "acceptability" which we define in thiswork by the fact of "being or not being favourable to" but which will have to bedefined more precisely in future work, but of knowing the reasons which will leadusers to comply or not with a given measure. Such an approach therefore takes intoaccount both incenƟves and coercive measures (penalƟes, etc.). Beyond that, it is a quesƟon of idenƟfying the points of vigilance to be takeninto account when studying compliance with a public road safety policy measure(PRSP). This type of approach has been widely developed in the field of intelligenttransport systems (ITS) and the quesƟon arises as to whether it is relevant forassessing compliance with a PRSP measure. The aim of this work is to providescienƟfic knowledge on a subject that has not yet been studied to any great extent,and to respond to a strong demand from public authoriƟes, by ulƟmately offering adecision-making tool.Unlike the acceptability of STIs, where research is based on severalmodels, the acceptability of PRSPs remains liƩle studied and no theoreƟcal modelhas yet been proposed. In current research on the acceptability of PRSPs, researchers focus on aparƟcular public policy and try to idenƟfy the explanatory and predicƟve factors,parƟcularly in terms of reliability, equity, effecƟveness, social norms andinfringement of freedom. However, they do not aƩempt to model the interacƟonsthat may exist between these factors. Based on the exisƟng literature on the acceptability of STIs, the aim of ourwork is first to define the variables that need to be taken into account, to considertheir relevance to the subject under study and to adapt them where necessary. Ourwork began with the Svrai project. Its aim was to fit vehicles with data recordersand thus gather geolocalised informaƟon on driver behaviour in terms of ...
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