نبذة مختصرة : International audience ; The Spandakārikās must be approached with reference to an important body of texts, namely on the one hand the Śivasūtras and the myth of their origin, which is also that of the Spandakārikās, and on the other the exegetic tradition or traditions of the two treatises of the Spanda.I will show what a short observation made in the Nirṇaya and the accretion, according to commentators, of one or two stanzas to the original text’s fifty-one śloka both reveal about the processes silently at play in the production and establishment of a text as well as in the formation of its exegesis.At stake here are the closely interrelated issues of the ‘author’ and of the ‘writing’ or ‘composition’, or even of the ‘rewriting’, admittedly one of the main features of Indian literature, intended to perfect the exposition of the doctrine. What appears through this is the traditional dichotomy between pauruṣeya and apauruṣeya texts. Inscription in a paraṃparā is the key to the subtle interplay of forces governing the genesis of an utterance, namely here a śāstra.The intended purpose is to delineate the Indian notion of textual tradition as well as the deeper structures and speculative implications of what one refers to as Indian philology. In other words, the aim is to use the Spandakārikās and their commentaries to consider the specific paradigm of the philological discipline from the viewpoint of Indian culture. ; Les Spandakārikā se lisent sur fond d’un important ensemble textuel : les Śivasūtra et leur mythe d’origine (qui vaut aussi pour les Spandakārikā) d’un côté, de l’autre, la (ou les) tradition(s) d’exégèse de ces deux traités du Spanda.On montrera ce qu’une brève observation relevée dans le Nirṇaya et l’accrétion, selon les commentateurs, d’un ou de deux vers aux cinquante et un śloka du texte originel révèlent des processus sourdement à l’œuvre dans la fabrique (et l’établissement) d’un texte et la constitution de son exégèse.Se posent ainsi, étroitement liées l’une à l’autre, la question de l’ « ...
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