نبذة مختصرة : The interwar period in Poland witnessed increased building investments connected with the reconstruction of the country after the Great War and over a hundred year period of partitions. In particular, this reconstruction concerned strategic railway facilities. Enthusiasm for a long-waited independence and the possibility – forced by the necessity of restoration – to rearrange the homeland’s landscape full of occupant-built objects resulted in projects emphasizing their Polishness. The desire to underline the fact that the new objects are based on Polish traditions is reflected in the so called ‘national style’ of architecture visible in numerous railway stations of the 1920s. Public sentiments were expressed by an intensified use of national motives and other elements of decoration symbolizing Poland. The main topic of the present article is artistic and architectural decoration of railway objects of 1920s ideologically referring to national symbols. The article offers a review of railway stations that were built, rebuilt or reconstructed after the First World War and whose decorative elements reflect diverse interpretations of the national symbol. Moreover, in order to provide a broader background, several examples from earlier and subsequent periods are presented. As a result, the article forms a part of a wider discourse on the relations between art and the state, and art at the service of the state and the society. Also, the article is a continuation of the last year’s publication ‘Piękne, użyteczne, zbędne…obiekty kolejowe w Polsce’ on the national style in the architecture of the 1920s railway stations. ; Dwudziestolecie międzywojenne jest okresem wzmożonych inwestycji budowlanych związanych z odbudową kraju po Wielkiej Wojnie i ponad stuletnim okresie zaborów. Dotyczy to w szczególny sposób strategicznych obiektów kolejowych. Entuzjazm związany długo oczekiwanym odzyskaniem niepodległości oraz, wymuszona koniecznością odbudowy, możliwość przekształcenia krajobrazu ojczyzny naznaczonego licznymi obiektami ...
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