نبذة مختصرة : We evaluate the perceptions of public-school students from the municipality of Serra do Navio, Amapá state, Brazil in relation to the importance of anurans as a component of the ecosystems, as well its use in medicine and culture. The goal of the research was to investigate state of knowledge of students on the subject, as well as to demystify any popular misconceptions involving anurans. To assess the student’s perceptions about anurans, we collected data through questionnaires followed by a didactic lecture on the subject. As a way to integrate students and aiming to propose an alternative didactic strategy, a playful trail game was applied. Our results showed that students have basic knowledge about anurans, such as the correct classification of these animals (71%, N= 20). In more specific questions, in relation to the species Phyllomedusa bicolor (50%, N=14) and its use for the ritual “Vaccine of the frog” (82%, N= 23), the students presented less knowledge. Also, when asked about the use of these animals as medicine, a positive view (50%, N = 14) was verified and the belief that the medicines really work was well accepted (60%, N = 17). However, students showed fear of using anuran toxins as a medicine (71%, N = 20). The students had a general and very superficial knowledge about the topic, and were still afraid and afraid of anurans, mainly due to the lack of adequate knowledge about their role in ecosystems. The study was relevant to solve doubts and provide clarifications so that frogs can be seen as an important part of the environment and ecosystems, as well as important for human society. ; Foram avaliadas as percepções dos alunos de uma escola pública do município de Serra do Navio, Amapá, Brasil em relação à importância dos anuros como componente do ecossistema, bem como sua importância medicinal/cultural. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar o estado de conhecimento dos alunos sobre o tema, bem como desmistificar quaisquer equívocos populares envolvendo anuros. Para avaliar as percepções do aluno ...
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