نبذة مختصرة : The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the international coalition failure and the inequity and inadequacy of the global healthcare system in the face of such a major health emergency. In this respect, it led to a collective commitment to strengthening the global health architecture and its capacity to prevent, prepare for and respond to future public health emergencies of international concern. Health systems have been reorganised and new initiatives have emerged, particularly in the areas of research, development and care methods.In this context, the revision of the International Health Regulations and the drafting of a new international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response are the two main processes to be implemented in the international health security system. Both supported by the World Health Organisation, these tools highlight major public health principles such as equity, inclusiveness, the "One Health" approach and intersectorality. To this end, all the stakeholders concerned must be able to express their views on the substantive elements of the texts and commit their responsibilities, whether they be non-governmental organisations or the pharmaceutical industry.Nevertheless, many challenges remain to be overcome if we are to hope for an efficient global healthcare system: financing, the place of regionalism, operational actions to apply the concepts, etc., are among the elements still to be clarified. Ultimately, we need not only to learn from the current pandemic, but also to prevent future health emergencies, which will undoubtedly be caused by the emergence of zoonotic diseases, climate change or powerful geopolitical tensions. ; La pandémie de COVID-19, a mis en évidence une coalition internationale déficiente ainsi qu’un système de santé mondial inéquitable et inadapté face à une urgence sanitaire d’une telle ampleur. À cet égard, elle a permis un engagement collectif consacré au renforcement de l’architecture mondiale de santé et de ses capacités à prévenir, se préparer et ...
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