نبذة مختصرة : This study of the demersal and benthic fisheries in the Celtic Sea is the logical continuation of the works conducted on the scampi fisheries since 1978. The program of the first phase of the study consists of 1 - A description of fisheries in the Celtic Sea. 2 – An assessment of the rejection of the marketable species in each fishery, with a special mention for fish fisheries. 3 – The constitution a computerized database including international fishing statistics since 1980. 4 – The sampling of the unloading of seven main species or groups of species: - cod and whiting, already sampled (length and age) regularly since 1978 in order to provide data to the CIEM workgroup. "Irish Sea – Bristol Channel", - scampi, sampled since 1980 in the scope of the CIEM workgroup on the scampi stocks, - hake, megrim and anglerfishes for which sampling has been done on a regular basis since January 1st 1984, - rays, for which only one preliminary species sampling has been done, different species are indeed grouped under the same vernacular name during unloading. Furthermore, biological studies have been conducted on unstudied or little studied species in the Celtic Sea: rays, megrim and anglerfishes. Provided in appendix are the preliminary results for those species. The year 1985 program has been established in order to make up for the lost time, and the operation on rejects will be conducted especially over a year's time so as to cover a whole annual cycle. ; Cette étude sur les pêcheries démersales et benthiques de la Mer Celtique, est la suite logique des travaux entrepris sur les pêcheries de langoustines depuis 1978. Le programme de la première phase de l'étude actuelle envisage en substance 1 - Une description des pêcheries de Mer Celtique. 2 - Une évaluation des rejets d'espèces commercialisables sur toutes les pêcheries, avec une mention particulière pour les pêcheries de poissons. 3 - La constitution d'une base de données informatisée incluant les statistiques de pêche internationales à partir de 1980. 4 - ...
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