نبذة مختصرة : We propose and demonstrate numerically a fast classical annealing scheme for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) spin glass model, employing the Suzuki-Kubo meanfield Ising dynamics (supplemented by a modified Thouless-Anderson-Palmer reaction field). The resultant dynamics, starting from any arbitrary paramagnetic phase (with local $m_i=\pm 1$ for the $i^{th}$ spin, and the global magnetization $m=0$), takes the system quickly to an appropriate state with small local values of magnetization ($m_i$) commensurate with the (frustrated) interactions. As the temperature decreases with the annealing, the configuration practically remain (in an effective adiabatic way) close to the ground state as the $m_i$'s and the spin glass order parameter $q$ grow to unity. For an $N$-spin SK model (with $N$ up to 10000) the deviation in the annealed ground state energy per spin $E^0_N - E^0$ is found to scale as $N^{-2/3}$, with $E^0 = -0.7633\pm 0.0002 $ (analytical estimate being $E^0 =-0.7631667265 \dots$), fluctuation $\sigma_N $ in $E^0_N$ decreases as $\sim N^{-3/4}$ and the annealing time $\tau_N \sim N$, making this protocol highly efficient in estimating the ground state of the SK model.
Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, 1 table
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