نبذة مختصرة : A fast multilevel algorithm based on directionally scaled tensor-product Gaussian kernels on structured sparse grids is proposed for interpolation of high-dimensional functions and for the numerical integration of high-dimensional integrals. The algorithm is based on the recent Multilevel Sparse Kernel-based Interpolation (MLSKI) method (Georgoulis, Levesley \& Subhan, \emph{SIAM J. Sci. Comput.}, 35(2), pp.~A815--A831, 2013), with particular focus on the fast implementation of Gaussian-based MLSKI for interpolation and integration problems of high-dimen-sional functions $f:[0,1]^d\to\mathbb{R}$, with $5\le d\le 10$. The MLSKI interpolation procedure is shown to be interpolatory and a fast implementation is proposed. More specifically, exploiting the tensor-product nature of anisotropic Gaussian kernels, one-dimensional cardinal basis functions on a sequence of hierarchical equidistant nodes are precomputed to machine precision, rendering the interpolation problem into a fully parallelisable ensemble of linear combinations of function evaluations. A numerical integration algorithm is also proposed, based on interpolating the (high-dimensional) integrand. A series of numerical experiments highlights the applicability of the proposed algorithm for interpolation and integration for up to 10-dimensional problems.
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