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  • معلومة اضافية
    • الموضوع:
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Urolitijaza je važan problem u razvijenim zemljama svijeta jer se broj ljudi s konkrementima povećava. Prije nekoliko desetljeća kirurško liječenje urolitijaze provodilo se samo putem otvorene kirurgije, dok su danas dominantne minimalno-invazivne metode. Jedna od njih je i miniperkutana nefrolitotripsija. U ovom radu prikazana su četiri bolesnika u kojih je učinjena miniperkutana nefrolitotripsija. U svih bolesnika konkrement se nalazio u pijelonu desnoga bubrega. U troje bolesnika konkrement je bio u nativnom bubregu, a u jednoga u transplantiranome. U svih bolesnika uspješno je učinjena laserska litotripsija konkremenata. Na kontrolnom RDG pregledu nije bilo ostatnih fragmenata. Miniperkutana nefrolitotripsija jest minimalno-invazivna metoda koja se pokazala uspješnom u liječenju nefrolitijaze i u nativnim bubrezima i u transplantiranom bubregu
      Urolithiasis is a significant problem in the developed countries due to the increased number of patients with stones. Just a few decades ago open surgery was the only surgical treatment which is today, in most cases, replaced with minimally-invasive methods. One of these new methods is mini-percutaneous nephrolihotripsy. We present four patients in whom mini-percutaneous nephrolithotripsy was performed. In all patients the stone was located in the renal pelvis. In three patients the stone was in the native kidney and in one in the transplanted kidney. In all patients laser lithotripsy was successfully performed. On the control x-ray the residual fragments were not found in any patients. Mini-percutaneous nephrolithotripsy is a minimally-invasive method which is successfull in the treatment of nephfrolithiasis in native and transplanted kidneys.
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