نبذة مختصرة : Diplomski rad podijeljen je u dva dijela. Prvi dio rada odnosi se na opis arhitekture, zidnih oslika i povijesti crkve te sadrži dvije cjeline. U prvoj cjelini prikazana je povijesna slojevitost crkve kroz periode graditeljske geneze crkve. U drugoj cjelini opisane su arhitektonske značajke crkve, odnosno pročelja, unutrašnjost i tlocrt crkve, zajedno sa zidnim oslicima. Drugi dio rada odnosi se na konzervatorsko-restauratorske zahvate na crkvi koji su obrađeni u dvije cjeline. U prvoj cjelini prikazani i opisani su prvi konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi od 1952. godine te radovi izvedeni do 2007. godine. Druga cjelina sadrži prikaz i opis konzervatorsko-restauratorskih zahvata iz razdoblja od 2012. do 2019. godine. Usporedba i analiza zahvata, prezentacija novootkrivenih zidnih oslika i zaključna razmatranja sadržana su u zaključku ovog rada. Master thesis is divided into two parts. The first part of the paper deals with the description of architecture, wall paintings and the history of the church and contains two parts. The first part presents the historical complexity of the church through the periods of the architectural genesis of the church. The architectural characteristics of the church, i.e. the facade, interior and ground plan of the church, together with wall paintings, are described in the second part. The second part refers to conservation and restoration works on the church, which have been processed in two parts. The first part presents and describes the first conservation and restoration works from 1952, as well as the works completed until 2007. The second unit contains a review and description of conservation and restoration works from the period 2012-2019. Comparison and analysis of interventions, presentation of newly discovered wall paintings and conclusive considerations are contained in the conclusion of this paper.
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