نبذة مختصرة : Planthoppers and leafhoppers represent an important functional group of insects in many natural and anthropogenic ecosystems, and some species are important pests of cultivated plants all around world. The most important role of these insects is their ability to transmit plant pathogens as vectors. Composition and structure of planthoppers and leafhoppers assemblages was monitored in South Banat maize fields over two years on three localities with maize redness symptoms and two control localities without symptoms. 33 different species were identified among which three were for the first time recorded for Serbia: Macrosteles ossiannilssoni, Metalimnus steini i Mocydiopsis parvicauda. The most abundant species were: Laodelphax striatella, Psammotettix alienus, Zyginidia pullula i Reptalus panzeri. Seasonal population levels differed for these four species. Reptalus panzeri, a known vector of stolbur phytoplasma - a causal agent of maize redness disease, had very abundant populations on sites with maize redness disease. On localities without symptoms of maize redness this species was present in very low number or even absent. Preferable host plant for feeding and development of R. panzeri nymphs is maize, while in spring aggregation of nymphs is on roots of wheat plants and Johnsongrass. Cikade predstavljaju veoma značajnu grupu insekata u mnogim prirodnim i antropogenim ekosistemima, a neke vrste su poznate štetočine gajenih biljaka širom sveta. Najveće štete koje ovi insekti nanose gajenim biljkama posledica su njihove sposobnosti da kao vektori prenose biljne patogene. U usevima kukuruza u Južnom Banatu sastav i struktura zajednica cikada praćena je tokom dve godine na tri lokalitetima gde su simptomi bolesti crvenila kukuruza prisutni i dva kontrolna lokaliteta gde ovi simptomi nisu zabeleženi. Registrovano je prisustvo 33 vrsta cikada na kukuruzu u Južnom Banatu. Zabeleženo je prisustvo tri nove vrste cikada za faunu Srbije: Macrosteles ossiannilssoni, Metalimnus steini i Mocydiopsis parvicauda. Najbrojnije i najčešće registrovane vrste cikada na kukuruzu u Srbiji su: Laodelphax striatella, Psammotettix alienus, Zyginidia pullula i Reptalus panzeri. Ove četiri vrste imaju različitu sezonsku dinamiku populacija. Cikada Reptalus panzeri, vektor stolbur fitoplazme - uzročnika bolesti crvenila kukuruza, prisutna je na kukuruzu u južnom Banatu sa populacijama izuzetno visoke brojnosti, dok je na lokalitetima gde pojava bolesti crvenila kukuruza nije zabeležena njena brojnost zanemarljiva. Preferentna biljka domaćin za ishranu i razvoj R. panzeri larvi u jesen je kukuruz, dok je agregacija larvi u proleće na korenu biljaka pšenice i divljeg sirka.
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