نبذة مختصرة : Parazit ili nametnik je biljni ili životinjski organizam koji živi na račun drugog organizma. Postoji podjela na vanjske i unutarnje nametnike. Ektoparaziti su vanjski nametnici koji parazitiraju kako na domaćim, tako i na divljim životinjama. Životinje na kojima parazit boravi zovu se nositeljima ili domaćinima, a preživljava tako da se hrani sokovima ili tkivima domaćina, a pritom ga ne ubija trenutno. Oni uzrokuju razne poremećaje u organizmu koje stvaraju nelagodnu kod životinja, te mogu biti uzročnici i prenositelji bolesti. Većina njih se hrani krvlju, limfom i tjelesnim tekućinama same žrtve, odnosno domaćina. Postoji mnoštvo ektoparazita koji parazitiraju na divljim životinjama, no samo određene vrste možemo najčešće susresti kod divljači. Cilj ovog završnog rada je opisati najčešće vrste ektoparazita koji parazitiraju na dlakavoj divljači. Isto tako opisati njihov razvojni ciklus i što sve uzrokuju boravkom na domaćinu. Buhe, uši, pauši, krpelji i šugarci su vrste vanjskih parazita koji se najčešće pojavljuju kod dlakave divljači.
Parasite is herbal or animal organism that lives at the expense of antoher organism. There is division into external and internal parasites. Ectoparasites are parasites that live on the external surface of domestic, as well on the surface of wild animals. Animals from which they derive their sustenance are called host, the host provides ectoparasites with their juices or sustenances, which does not result ina n instant death. Ectoparasites are causing various disorders in organism of host, which results in discomfort. They can also be causative agents or vectors of disease. Most of ectoparasites feed on blood, lymph and body fluids of the victim, or so called host. There are a multitude of ectoparasites which are living off of wild animals, but only certain species colud be found within wild hosts. This paper's goal is to describe the most common types of ectoparasites that live on the external surface of hairy game. As well as to describe their development cycle and consequences they caused to the host. Fleas, louses, ticks and scrabies are types of parasites that are the most often founf within hairy wild animals.
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