بيانات النشر: University of Chicago Press:PO Box 37005, Journals Division:Chicago, IL 60637:(877)705-1878, (877)705-1878, (773)753-2247, EMAIL: subscriptions@press.uchicago.edu, INTERNET: http://www.press.uchicago.edu, Fax: (877)705-1879, (773)753-0811, 1997.
نبذة مختصرة : The female human skeleton SanTeodoro 4, discovered in a burial found in San Teodoro cave in Sicily (Italy), dated to the end of the Upper Paleolithic (Epigravettian) has a flint point embedded in the hip bone. The bone reaction proves that she survived to the trauma. Flint points similar to the one present in the hip bone of San Teodoro 4 are usually considered as arrow points. The case presented is one the oldest records of bow use and interpersonal violence.
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