نبذة مختصرة : Zabavni parkovi postali su važan barometar potrošnje te su isto tako posebno važni za ekonomiju. S jedne strane kupci traže zabavu s obitelji, dok s druge strane vlasnici parkova i područja na kojima se park nalazi teže ostvariti što veću posjećenost. Posjećenost zabavnim parkovima raste iz godine u godinu. Samim time parkovi sami uvode neke nove atrakcije kako bi što više zainteresirali javnost. Pritom je ključno planirati izgradnju atrakcija i odabrati ciljano tržište koje je najpogodnije za djecu i obitelj. Isto tako postoji stručni kadar koji upravlja tim objektima i atrakcijama. Naime, uz upravljanje tehničkim stvarima, postoji i propisano upravljanje učinkom posjetitelja. Tu se mogu navesti kodeksi ponašanja, zaštita područja te praćenje utjecaja posjetitelja i nosivosti. Uz atrakcije koje se u parku mogu iskoristiti, parkovi uključuju i ugostiteljske objekte kako bi posjetiteljima pružili i usluge noćenja te mogućnosti konzumacije hrane i pića. Amusement parks have become an important barometer of consumption that is particularly crucial to the economy. On the one hand, customers are looking for fun with their family, while on the other hand, the owners of the parks and the areas where the park is located strive to achieve the highest possible attendance. Attendance at amusement parks is growing year by year. As a result, the parks themselves introduce some new attractions in order to interest the public as much as possible. Amusement parks are based on sophisticated planning of the construction of attractions, targeting the market that is most suitable for children and families. Likewise, the management of attractions is in charge of professional staff who manage these facilities and attractions. Namely, in addition to the management of technical matters, there is also a prescribed management of visitor performance. Codes of conduct, protection of the area, monitoring of visitor impact and capacity can be specified there. In addition to the attractions that can be used in the park, the parks also include catering facilities to provide visitors with overnight services and the possibility of consuming food and drinks.
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