نبذة مختصرة : V magistrskem delu teoretično raziskujem koncept učenja kritičnega mišljenja v superviziji. Znotraj raziskovalnega vprašanja me zanima problem odnosa med učenjem odraslih nasploh in njihovim učenjem v superviziji, pri čemer se še posebej posvetim konceptu razvoja kompetence kritičnega mišljenja oziroma razvoju »reflektirajočega praktika«. Osredotočim se na dejavnike, ki motivirajo posameznika za učenje v superviziji. S primerjalno metodo utemeljim stične točke med učenjem v superviziji in učenjem kritičnega mišljenja. Teoretično utemeljim prispevek supervizorja k razvoju kritičnega mišljenja v superviziji ter opisujem odnose med konceptom učenja odraslih nasploh, učenjem odraslih v superviziji in učenjem kritičnega mišljenja brez vzročnega razlaganja. Prikažem nekatera izhodišča in teoretično utemeljitev, da je kritično mišljenje ena izmed temeljnih potrebnih kompetenc strokovnih delavcev in da je razvojno-edukativni model supervizije primerna podlaga za razvoj kompetence kritičnega mišljenja. Proučujem možnosti spodbujanja učenja kritičnega mišljenja v okviru razvojno-edukativnega modela supervizije. Proučevanje nadaljujem na nivoju razčlenjevanja konceptov učenja v superviziji in učenja kritičnega mišljenja ter teoretično proučujem sestavne dele procesa učenja v superviziji z vključevanjem učenja kritičnega mišljenja. Raziskovanje zaključim z analizo integracije koncepta učenja kritičnega mišljenja v razvojno-edukativnem modelu supervizije. Na ta način poskušam v magistrskem delu obogatiti razvojno-edukativni model supervizije in dokazati, da je omenjeni model supervizije primerno mesto, kjer se strokovnjaki lahko učijo kritičnega mišljenja kot ene izmed najpomembnejših aktivnosti v odrasli dobi. Tako v magistrskem delu dokažem, da je končni cilj supervizije biti reflektirajoči praktik. In the master's thesis theoretically I'm researching the concept of learning critical thinking in supervision. Within the research question, I am interested about the problem of the relationship between adult learning in general and their learning in supervision, with particular interest in the concept of developing the competence of critical thinking and the development of a "reflecting practitioner". I focus on factors that motivate an individual to learn in supervision. By comparing the method, I establish the points of contact between learning in supervision and learning of critical thinking. I theoretically base the supervisor's contribution to the development of critical thinking in supervision. I describe the relationship between the concept of adult learning in general, teaching adults in supervision and learning about critical thinking without causally explanation. I show some starting points and theoretical argument that critical thinking is one of the basic necessary competences of professionals and also developmental and educational model of supervision as an appropriate basis for developing the competence of critical thinking. I am studying the possibilities of encouraging the learning of critical thinking within the framework of the developmental-educational model of supervision. I continue to study at the level of parsing the concepts of learning in supervision and learning of critical thinking. Theoretically I study the components of the learning process in supervision by integrating the learning of critical thinking. I finish my research with the analysis of the integration about the concept of learning critical thinking in a developmental and educational model of supervision. In this way, I try to enrich the developmental and educational model of supervision in the master's work and prove that this model of supervision is a suitable place where experts can learn about critical thinking as one of the most important cognitive activity in adulthood. Therefore, in the master's part, I prove that the ultimate goal of supervision is to be a reflective practitioner.
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