نبذة مختصرة : Rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGM) cause skin infections that are refractory to standard antibiotic regimens. Although typically associated with disseminated cutaneous or other systemic infections in immunocompromised patients, RGM sometimes cause localized cutaneous infections in immunocompetent hosts. These infections are almost always associated with precedent skin trauma and inoculation, and therefore have been implicated in outbreaks involving contaminated tattoo ink and inadequately sterilized acupuncture needles. Histologic features often include suppurative granulomatous inflammation, and microorganisms are rarely visualized with stains for acid-fast bacilli. The differential diagnosis includes granulomatous fungal and non-RGM bacterial infections as well as noninfectious suppurative or sarcoidlike conditions. Because no pathognomonic histologic features exist for cutaneous RGM infections, clinical suspicion and appropriate workup are essential to reach an accurate and timely diagnosis. Most localized cutaneous RGM infections in immunocompetent individuals respond well to either clarithromycin or amikacin, in combination with surgical debridement. (Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2014;138:1106–1109; doi: 10.5858/arpa.2012-0203-RS)
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