المصدر:Giannakaki-Zimmermann, Helena; Querques, Giuseppe; Munch, Inger Christine; Shroff, Daraius; Sarraf, David; Chen, Xuejing; Cunha-Souza, Eduardo; Mrejen, Sarah; Capuano, Vittorio; Rodrigues, Murilo W; Gupta, Charu; Ebneter, Andreas; Zinkernagel, Martin; Munk, Marion (2017). Atypical retinal pigment epithelial defects with retained photoreceptor layers: a so far disregarded finding in age related macular degeneration. BMC ophthalmology, 17(1), p. 67. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12886-017-0452-0
BMC Ophthalmology, Vol 17, Iss 1, Pp 1-8 (2017)
Giannakaki-Zimmermann, H, Querques, G, Munch, I C, Shroff, D, Sarraf, D, Chen, X, Cunha-Souza, E, Mrejen, S, Capuano, V, Rodrigues, M W, Gupta, C, Ebneter, A, Zinkernagel, M S & Munk, M R 2017, ' Atypical retinal pigment epithelial defects with retained photoreceptor layers : a so far disregarded finding in age related macular degeneration ', B M C Ophthalmology, vol. 17, 67 . https://doi.org/10.1186/s12886-017-0452-0
BMC Ophthalmology
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