نبذة مختصرة : This paper proposes an efficient path planning technique for the autonomous collision-free navigation of wheeled mobile robots with simple hardware based on an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The distance between the robot and obstacles is measured using three ultrasonic sensors that are installed on the left, front, and right of the robot. These distances from the sensors form the inputs to the ANFIS-utility function block that calculates an obstacle avoidance steering angle for the robot. The obstacle avoidance behavior of the robot is modeled under six scenarios of facing an obstacle. The instantaneous position of the robot and the target are available from Global Positioning System (GPS) modules. A simulation mobile robot in V-REP has been integrated into the ANFIS controller coded in MATLAB. The simulation results show that the proposed ANFIS-utility function-based path planning technique surpasses some of the related algorithms in terms of finding near-optimal paths. Web of Science 13 1 art. no. 101491
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