نبذة مختصرة : Bilateral cochlear implants are seen to improve hearing capabilities.To assess the auditory outcome of paediatric bilateral cochlear implant in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.This was a cross-sectional and descriptive study single centre analysis. Categories of Auditory Performance (CAP-II) scale and Speech, Spatial and Qualities (SSQ) of Hearing questionnaire were used.Forty-six patients were recruited. Majority of the children (30.4%) rated 7 and 23.9% scored perfectly (9) based on the CAP-II Scale. The least performing children were rated 5 (average). Children that were implanted sequentially within 24 months showed median CAP-II scale of 7. No significant correlation seen between CAP-II and the duration interval, use and age of 1st CI (Bilateral CI have shown benefits in auditory performance even though majority were performed sequentially. Promising outcome was better with prolonged usage of the device.Hearing in noise is significantly better in bilateral CI.
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