نبذة مختصرة : We propose and discuss two variants of kinetic particle models - cellular automata in 1+1 dimensions, which have some appeal due to their simplicity and intriguing properties which could warrant further research and applications. The first model is a deterministic and reversible automaton describing two species of quasiparticles: stable massless matter particles moving with velocity $\pm 1$ and unstable, standing (zero velocity) field particles. We discuss two distinct continuity equations for three conserved charges of the model. While the first two charges and the corresponding currents have support three (3) lattice sites and represent a lattice analogue of conserved energy-momentum tensor, we find an additional conserved charge and current with support of nine (9) sites, implying non-ergodic behaviour and potentially signalling integrability of the model with a highly nested R-matrix structure. The second model represents a quantum (or stochastic) deformation of a recently introduced and studied charged hardpoint lattice gas, where particles of different binary charge ($\pm 1$) and binary velocity ($\pm 1$) can nontrivially mix upon elastic collisional scattering. We show that while the unitary evolution rule of this model does not satisfy the full Yang-Baxter equation, it still satisfies an intriguing related identity which gives birth to an infinite set of local conserved operators, the-so-called glider operators.
Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures; submitted to Entropy for the special issue on the 80th birthday of Giulio Casati
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